Season three of the Ms. Pat show is back and funnier than ever! We sat down with the cast on what to expect from Pat and the gang. Just be ready to laugh harder as we see different sides of the family.   

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Interview with Ms. Pat and Jordan E. Cooper   

Cox: Ms. Pat and Jordan E. Cooper, I’m excited to speak with you about the return of The Ms. Pat show for season three. Before we begin, I want to know how you both initially came up with this show.  

Cooper: Ms. Pat had been working in Hollywood for some time now and trying to get her show. She had worked with Lee Daniels and Image on several concepts. I was a senior in college when Ms. Pat came to see the play I produced. She told me I wrote like a big Black woman and could write the show for her.   

I had this idea for her that I saw the show being sitcom style in front of a live studio audience, but rated R. I wanted her to be exactly who she is, so I chose the streaming route instead of network television, which they were previously pursuing. She completely trusted me and the vision I had for bringing this show to life like those old-school sitcoms we grew up watching.  

Cox: That’s beautiful to hear. What should we expect in season three?  

Ms.Pat: It might be the funniest season yet.  

Cooper: This is the season of growth for Ms. Pat and the other characters. We call it the I Love Lucy season.   

Cox: What made you all say that season three has to be even more light-hearted than the past two seasons?  

Ms. Pat: Well, season three technically got picked up mid-season two, so we started thinking then, what will we do?  

Cooper: We shot seasons two and three back-to-back. Season three is almost an extension of season two. And you saw season two being a bit heavy, so we wanted this exhale to happen in season three. In season two, the family dealt with many challenging issues, and now we are like, what else can this family do? And we wanted to lean into that comedy pool this year.   

Interview with J. Bernard Calloway and Brittany Inge  

Cox: J. Bernard Calloway and Brittany Inge, tell me what we can expect from Terry and Ashely this season.  

Calloway: You get to see more growth in Terry this season. You see him being able to trust others more and confide in them. You see Pat leaving Terry to raise and support the family while she goes off to pursue her dreams. With that, you get a chance to see Terry being able to have different individual situations with the kids. We never get to see that with Terry.   

Inge: For Ashley, you get to see her deal with single life. Remember, she went through a breakout last season, so now she is learning how to embrace singlehood and have some fun. It’s interesting for her this season. Plus, she moves closer to the family to add a new layer. She’s around more, and Ashley is a very hands big sister. So this puts her in the mix and the mischief a little more.  

Interview with Vince Swann, Briyana Guadalupe, and Theodore Barnes  

Cox: Vince, Briyana, and Theodore, I’m ready to know what’s happening for the dynamic siblings in season three of the Ms. Pat Show.  

Swann: We finally get to see him out of the strip club and falling into what is his real passion. Brandon gets a job and starts growing up a lot more. You see him exiting this adolescent mind and transitioning into an adult mindset. Instead of always trying to appease and please his parents, he is learning what he wants to do. He isn’t looking for their approval anymore.  

Guadalupe: audience members see Janelle be a little more outgoing with topics we haven’t seen her cover. She’s getting ready for college this season, and we know what that means for her as she tries to figure things out. There is a bit of trouble she gets into as well while she is furthering her exploration in some relationships.   

Barnes: Junebug is still snappy and witty. There is no change because he is still doing it too much.