How old are you?
25 years Old

What’s your zodiac sign?

Delmas, Haiti

Education and current occupation?
Senior in college (business management and economics), content creator, commercial, actor, runway model and personal trainer.

What’s currently on your reading list or podcast? 
On purpose with Jay Shetty (Spotify) 

What got you into Fitness?
I’ve always been insecure and was judged for my appearance growing up so I wanted a change! 

How do you stay in peak shape and on current fashion trends?
I stay in peak shape by keeping my protein level high moderate carb and low fat and also sprint intervals and some long distance. Well, the truth is once you learn to appreciate yourself and be more confident, you don’t really care about the “fashion trends”. You simply have to show the real you and how you present yourself.

What’s your workout and diet regime?
My workout: sprints 3 times a week, and hybrid training (calisthenics mixed with weightlifting) best combo ever! 

What does self-care look like for Ervensky Louis? (We love to encourage our readers to take part in self-care) 
Self-care is every day, but I mostly focus on Sundays when I pay more attention to details when it comes to cleaning my place, car, getting a facial, etc.… 

What is something you wish you knew before getting into a Fitness Content creator?
One thing I wish I knew before I started is: don’t be afraid to share your struggles/fails with others. They help you grow and people learn from them.

Are There any dos and don’ts you would advise others pursuing it?


Be yourself.
Be authentic. 
Be inspired. 
Be confident. 


Be fake with your audience. 
Don’t copy. 
Doubt yourself. 
Compare yourself to any other influencers. 

We are all about black beauty, what does black beauty mean to you? 
Black beauty to me means being confident on your own skin, showing off your skills and great vibes wherever you go ! It’s your world and people simply live in it ! 

With a growing fan base and platform, what is something you want your followers to take away from following you on your journey?
The takeaways 
You can do anything you want if you’re dedicated and put your mind into it 
Don’t worry about other people’s opinions. Most are jealous of your accomplishments and will want to bring you down so you can give up ! 
Smile always 
Take care of yourself, live, make good memories. 

Lastly, what’s next for Ervensky Louis?
I wanna keep growing doing the same things I do while being grateful to my supporters. I also want to keep improving on a daily basis, growing my brand Kyky fit and impact/inspire millions of people through my story as the Haitian kid who turned nothing into something! 

Make sure to stay connected to Ervensky Louis by following him on Instagram @kyky_fit