Atlanta-Based, Rapper J. Lock has been turning heads with his melodic flow
Born in Mississippi and now Atlanta-based, rapper J. Lock has been turning heads with his melodic flow. Utilizing his extraordinary penmanship and heart-capturing vocal riffs to tell his story the best way he knows how to; through the power of Music. Growing up, J. Lock was a quiet person. At the age of 14, he would begin to use music as an outlet and a form of expression. By doing so, music allowed him to be as free as he wanted to be.

1. Thanks for coming through, J. Lock! Let’s start from the beginning, what made you decide on the name J.Lock?
One of the reasons I decided on my name was because of my favorite artist J. Cole, I wanted it to be similar to his name, but different. The other is because of my biological name.
2. Where do you find inspiration?
Life itself inspires me. I could have conversations with a homeless person and that could inspire my music. Just taking in everything around me and living is where I find inspiration for my music. Whether it’s happiness, sadness, anger, lust, love, hate and just any emotions that I feel.
3. What’s one piece of advice you would give to an up-and-coming rapper?
Any lessons you had to learn the hard way? If I could give a piece of advice to an upcoming artist it’d be just be yourself. You don’t want to lose yourself trying to be someone else, or playing a character. I had to learn that so I could be my most creative and authentic.

4. What does a typical day look like to you? Take us through your creative process.
The first thing I do is work out to get the blood flowing and stay in shape. Then I’ll go somewhere alone and just write songs which could be between 2 to 7 hours, maybe longer. It really all depends on the day.
5. Tell us about your biggest influences/role models.
There are many influences in my music. I can start off with the whole Motown sound I grew up on and the blues in Mississippi where I’m originally from. My main influences in my music would have to be J.Cole, Drake, and Kendrick.
6. You’re about to drop your latest single “Selfish” ft RL, what inspired you to make that song? What can people expect?
I was inspired to get back to my old sound which was a lot of love. That rap sprinkled with RnB which is undeniable. People can expect a sound that hasn’t been heard in a long time. A really nice track which is most definitely a hit to not miss. It was dope working with an icon like RL on this one.

7. Thanks for taking the time to speak with us. We’re looking forward to your new music. Where can our readers keep up with you?
Thanks for having me. Make sure to be on the lookout for the new single in February.
You can find me on all platforms:
IG – j.lockofficial
Twitter – SRM_JLock
Music platforms – J. Lock
YouTube – J.lock_Srm