Beauty of the Week 4.28.22 – Imani Gold (Demo)
Introduce yourself.
I am Imani Gold. I am twenty-three years young. My birthday is May 1st, soon! I am a Taurus, undoubtedly so. I was born in Milwaukee, WI., however, I have moved around a lot throughout the years with my family. Which is why I am as diverse as I am now.
What’s your current occupation? And why do you love it?
I am a Model. I have been in love with art since birth. Art of all forms. With modeling. I become living, breathing art! This is my destiny. I have a big personality, and I love to laugh!

What’s currently on your podcast list?
During my free time, I like to listen to this podcast called The 85 South Show. Hilarious! There is also a lot of wisdom in that podcast. I watch them all!
How do you stay in peak shape?
My whole life I have been slim. However, I like my shape to keep a certain look, so I keep up with basic workout routines. I do not work out every day, I’m working on that Haha. Staying in shape is not the only requirement for my career, I must also stay healthy and take care of my body inside and out. My skin routine is simple but effective because I only use organic products. I have sensitive skin, so usually that’s my only option anyway. Bitter/sweet thing.

You are just starting out and what advice would you give to someone currently at your stage in the game?
If I could give my pre-model self-advice with the knowledge that I have now, I would encourage myself to not be afraid to shine! Growing up humble, I have a big heart. Often, I want to make sure others are taken care of before I take care of myself. Often, I would stand back so others could shine. I am grateful for my heart, however I would just advise myself that it is okay if I shine too! I do not have to dim my light for the insecurities of others. No one should!
What are some do’s and don’ts you have learned professionally?
When it comes to do’s and don’ts, that truly varies per person and their personal comfort levels, like at any job. My only advice do not do what you are not comfortable doing. There is always a better job suited just for you. And have fun!

How would you define Black Beauty?
In my personal opinion, Black Beauty is the definition of elegance and grace, in all the many shapes and colors it comes in. We are Love, by our skin alone.
As you continue down your journey, what’s something you want your followers and others to know?
From my journey specifically, I want my Gold fam to know that I am not one of the people that pretends to be perfect. I want my Gold fam to know that it’s okay to push through when all odds are against you. I want them to know that they MUST push through. It sounds corny, but I promise the work will pay off. I am only just getting started.

What’s next for Imani Gold?
You just wait and see! I’ve only just begun. 😉
Thank you so much for giving me the opportunity to have a bigger voice!
Photography Credit – @Shotsbyfrost & @lexiscasiano