How old are you?

What’s your zodiac sign?

San Diego

Education and current occupation?
Realtor, bachelor’s degree from San Diego State University

What’s currently on your reading list or podcast?
The 48 Laws of Power, The Tears That Taught Me. The Read is my favorite Podcast.

What got you into Real Estate?
I sort of fell into it like many others. I was an Office Manager by day at a restaurant downtown and worked in nightlife at night. I wanted to make more, so I ended up switching from hospitality to mortgages, and that eventually led me to becoming a Loan Processor, Notary Public, Loan Officer and then Realtor.

How do you stay in peak shape? What’s your workout and diet regime?
I work out at minimum 5x a week – weight training, cardio, and very recently classes in barre, Pilates, and yoga. It’s really integral for me to keep my sanity with high stress situations, if you’re client facing in any aspect of work- you’ll get understand.

What does self-care look like for Destiny (We love to encourage our readers to take part in self-care)
I just came back from a cruise I treated my mom to – this was a 7-day Mexican Riviera excursion, and we had a blast! I love traveling, and while at home hot Epsom salt baths and massages are my main ways of decompressing.

What is something you wish you knew before getting into the business of content creation? Are there any dos and don’ts you would advise others pursuing it?
Providing education should always be at the forefront, particularly in my industry. It can’t just be posts about “just sold, I’m amazing” – you have to tell the story and make it nuanced. Your goal is more business, right? Approachability and that human element will take you far – and that’s exactly what social media is intended to do.

We are all about black beauty, what does black beauty mean to you?
I grew up in a predominantly white neighborhood as a child, and I struggled with a lack of representation. When 2020 hit, I started wearing my hair curly – ditched the flat iron, just letting it go. It was one of the most freeing and powerful things I could have done for myself. It took some time to re-adjust, but I realized I had a curl pattern and look that was incredibly unique, and the older I’ve gotten the more it seems to be embraced. So not only is my hair healthier, but my mindset is as well – very much on that, take me as I am, I’m here to stay… and I think that’s beautiful.

With a growing fan base and platform, what is something you want your followers to take away from following you on your journey?
I’m a human, not just a sexualized object. My looks may draw you in, but it should be my intelligence and dedication to my purpose that keeps you around. Helping others has always been my passion, and I do delight in the fact that many people tend to underestimate me. Most women of color know that feeling well – I’m the girl that enjoys a challenge and is committed to my continued growth and personal development.

Lastly, what’s next for Destiny?
I’m taking on more public speaking events, sharing my experiences of having grown up on Section 8 housing to becoming an established business owner in my hometown. Being a frequent guest on NBC 7 San Diego’s housing updates has put me at the forefront with public exposure, and I would love to continue to help marginalized groups help realize the power behind owning real estate. Real estate has opened doors for me, and it can certainly do the same for others.