Candace Nicholas-Lippman discusses Season 2 of Blindspotting and her career as an actress
Candace Nicholas-Lippman is an actress who relies heavily on her faith. Her faith in God, drive, and endurance have propelled her to the top of the entertainment world. I spoke with her informally and candidly about her role as Janelle in Blindspotting, the return of season two, and her general career as an actress. You may call her an actress, but I believe artist and storyteller better describe who she is.

Cox: Candace Nicholas-Lippman, I’m thrilled to talk to you about Blindspotting Season 2 and your comeback as the outspoken Janelle. Before we begin, I’d like to learn more about Candace, the artist.
Nicholas-Lippman: Fun fact! As a kid, I used to want to be a lawyer… thought… “I’ll change the world one court case at a time” haha.
But it was 7th Drama class at Sam Brannan Middle School where Mrs. Clark had me perform a dramatic monologue in front of the class… and that changed everything for me. The way I felt on stage, the response I received from my teacher and peers… It was then God revealed what He created me to be… an artist! It was that moment I realized … it’s not the courtroom where I’ll make a difference… “No God. I’m going to change the world through my art!”
Cox: You believe in using your art to make a difference in the world. When and how did you realize that your art was destined for that purpose?
Nicholas-Lippman: My Pastor, Dr. Hosea Collins! It was him who revealed to me how powerful my story is and how the things we go through in life are not about us. Our testimonies are meant to be shared in hopes of inspiring and or encouraging someone else. I come from extremely humble beginnings and my story is unfortunately not “unique.” And it not being unique is the very reason it needs to be shared.
After a four year development process, I finally put my story out there. My one woman show, A Rose Called Candace is my ministry; my baby. A sixty-minute storytelling experience of my life that has reached so many people of different backgrounds, ages, ethnic groups, etc. And that is nothing but God! How can my story be so universal? It was here that I realized how powerful and transformational art can be!
Sharing our stories and lived experiences can unify people. It allows one to be relatable and feel less alone in the world. I am so unashamed of my story and where I come from because it’s made me who I am today. And I hope that through my transparency and walking boldly in all that I am, I will inspire others to do the same.

Cox: You navigate this industry unapologetically.
Nicholas-Lippman: Yes! I am a big believer in being your authentic self. How can one make a difference in the world when you’re not even being your true self. Unfortunately, due to the culture of social media, so many people are just following. Being carbon copies of their favorite influencer, content creator, artist, peer, etc. I think the idea of truly being yourself and all of who God created you to be has become somewhat of an anomaly. I LOVE who I am. I’ve been the same highly energetic, wide-mouthed smile and joyful girl all my life. And I understand that the attributes I possess that would constantly be mocked or teased throughout my life, are the very parts of me God created to set me apart.
We all have a purpose. We all have parts of us that make us unique. Rare. And who you are, the real you is the you that’s going to make a difference. You never know who’s life you may inspire, change or even save by just being yourself.

Cox: I enjoy hearing about how strong and unapologetic you are. Before we go into your current role and show, I’d want to know what your message is to young black women
Nicholas-Lippman: The most important thing I want to convey is no matter shape, size, skin tone, etc., we are all beautiful and valuable! You are created in God’s image. You don’t have to conform, compromise or compete. We unfortunately live in a society that has pinned women against one another and this ugly disease known as “colorism” has plagued our community. But when we can truly receive the full revelation of how powerful we are in unity… whether light skinned or dark skinned… we are all beautiful and all worthy. This is why I wrote my spoken word poem, DEAR BLACK GIRL, where I share my experience as a darker complexioned woman but also encourage my fellow light, brown, and dark skinned sistas… “When society tries to pin light versus dark skinned, we remind them that every share of chocolate is divinely crafted.”
As black women, we have tremendous power!
Cox: Let’s go on to Janelle. She is a character who closely resembles you. Was your initial thought when you saw the sides and received the opportunity that this was a part meant just for you?
Nicholas-Lippman: Yes! As soon as I read the sides, I was like “omg! this is me.” Being from Sac, and the show taking place in Oakland, up North we have our own kinda swag. It’s not something you “put on”… its just natural. And that’s how I felt auditioning for Janelle… the lines came so natural to me. Now I don’t cuss as much as Janelle (laughs), but we are very similar in so many ways. I am extremely grateful for the opportunity to play a character like Janelle. She is a bold, unapologetic, loyal, multifaceted brown skinned black woman rocking locs on TV. When young girls and women tell me that “Janelle is their cousin, sister, auntie,” etc. It’s the best feeling ever. It is truly a blessing to be a part of this kind of much needed representation.
Cox: What was it about this show that piqued your interest?
Nicholas Lippman: First, I viewed the film and was blown away. Everything about it appealed to me, but as an artist, the message stood out the most.
Cox: People are unaware that this is your first regular series role.
Nicholas-Lippman: Yep first one! After 10 long years grinding in Los Angeles, I finally booked my first one. And every day I thank God I didn’t give up because Lordknows, this journey has not been an easy one. But I am a big believer in what’s for you is for you. Heck, after the first audition I literally wrote on a piece of paper, “Candace Nicholas-Lippman set to star as Janelle in Blindspotting spin off” and hung that paper on a wall… manifestation.
This show, this role, I definitely believed this was predestined by God. For my first big role to be on a show that deals with heightened verse/poetry… and I’m a whole poet… like wow God! It’s everything though, the poetry, dance, music… it’s literally theater on screen. And the overall, extremely important message we’re telling through this show… again, definitely wasn’t by “accident” that this was my first big “YES.”
Hashtag “Gods Plan” (laughs).
Cox: This is all great to hear. What did you do differently throughout the audition process that helped you stand out from the crowd?
Nicholas-Lippman: I was just being myself (laughs). Also, as an artist, I believe so much in doing grounded, authentic work and with Janelle, we are similar in so many ways, it came so natural to me. I recognised her right away. I didn’t have to “act” or pretend with Janelle because she is me and I am her (again, minus all the cussing haha) and she is also so many women that I’ve known throughout my life and or have grown up with.
Cox: Since you have so much in common, is there anything in Janelle’s mental process or behaviors that frustrates you?
Nicholas-Lippman: That’s an excellent question. I would say she puts others before herself and and that’s not always healthy. She and I have that in common. She’s protective of everyone loves, loyal and always feels the need to show up for everyone around her; but Janelle as well as myself have to remember that we can’t be everything to everyone. It’s not our job to save people. Healthy boundaries have to be implemented in order for one to be their best self. You can’t pour from an empty cup. And we can’t control everything. Janelle and I both need to learn to relax from time to time (laughs).

Cox: Season two has arrived! But, in comparison to now, what did Season One signify to you?
Nicholas Lippman: It signified a new beginning. A new season I was entering in my life. Again, after 10 YEARS… I was finally here. And boy was I NERVOUS (laughs). I’m a naturally anxious person because I care SO much and am so passionate about everything I do. I wanted to make Rafeal and Daveed proud. They chose me to play Janelle for a reason and as with everything I do, I wanted to give 110%! I never take any opportunity for granted.
Cox: What can fans look forward to in Season 2?
Nicholas-Lippman: If everyone thought Season one was wild and crazy… well it’s times twenty this season! (Laughs.) Prepare for more fantasy, comedy, drama and more of the bay!
Cox: Before we go, I have one last question. You stated that it took you ten years to get here. What advice would you give to an actor currently waiting for their big break that would have benefited you 10 years ago?
Nicholas-Lippman: DON’T GIVE UP!!! I know that sounds so cliche, but honestly it is something I tell people all the time. When I look back on my life, where I come from, what I’ve been through… abuse, homelessness, poverty, etc., it seems like it would’ve been impossible to achieve what I’ve achieved. But I did it! I am doing it. Through God’s grace. I am so happy I never gave up because my dreams are happening. They are coming true.
Also, you have to remember what God promised you, keep the faith, work hard, and keep your mind focused on the end goal. The promise. Oftentimes, life happens to us, and it causes us to forget our “why.” Why we started and why we must finish. My pastor would always say “you have to see it before you see it!” That’s what faith is. Even when everything around you is looking like the opposite of what you’re believing and manifesting… you still have to SEE the goal line.
Receive it. Believe it. And it will happen…. in God’s timing.
Portrait Photo Credit: Storm Santos