It’s a balancing act with Zach Smadu!
During a recent chat with the actor Zach Smadu, we discussed his experiences and insights as an actor, covering the ups and downs of his career. Zach detailed his early start in entertainment, fueled by his endless enthusiasm and love for the arts. Originally from Canada, he emphasized the country’s support for the arts and the opportunities available for aspiring actors and musicians he had while growing up.

Zach mentioned that his home country provides opportunities for artists of all kinds. This fosters a unique incubation environment in specific Canadian cities such as Toronto and Vancouver that prioritize and celebrate the arts at various levels. He continued by highlighting the close geographic proximity between Canada and the US, as well as the booming entertainment industry, which has provided Canadian entertainers like himself with numerous opportunities in television and film.
Zach pondered his growth as an actor, specifically in his role on “Family Law,” highlighting the difficulties and joys of being a main character on the show. “It was my first really large lead role on a show that I got the opportunity to showcase myself a lot,” Smadu explained. Working long hours every day, with only a day off every three weeks. “And we’ve been at this for five months,” Smadu shared. This role presented different demands compared to his previous roles, but his experience of advancing through the ranks had equipped him for it. Zach understood the importance of continuous learning and adaptability in all circumstances. This truly reflects his dedication to his work and the field.

“It’s like being in a marathon. You have to bring it every single day, but you have to understand how to effectively run a marathon,” Smadu stated.
A standout moment in the conversation occurred when Zach shared a crucial moment in his career where he doubted his passion for acting. “The breaking point was when I had found some success. I had been working and had a fair amount of credits, but it wasn’t at the level that I wanted. I realized that I needed a mentor. I needed somebody who was more experienced than me and who could guide me,” Smadu expressed. Under the mentorship of Peggy Redman, he rekindled his passion and gained a fresh sense of purpose in his artistic endeavors. He learned the significance of taking care of himself, being resilient, and always striving for artistic growth.
“You need to understand how to recharge yourself,” Smadu stated.
Zach emphasized the importance of maintaining relationships, pursuing hobbies outside of acting, and finding moments of solitude and reflection as he discussed his current lifestyle and approach to balancing work and personal life. He detailed his daily routines, like morning journaling, physical exercise, and creative activities, that keep him centered and in touch with himself despite the pressures of his job.

“I love what I do and love being able to connect with people who love the show,” Smadu expressed. He elaborated on his amusement and occasional surprise when approached by strangers in public for conversation. He was thankful for the chance to portray a main character and the happiness of engaging with viewers who value the effort he and his coworkers invested in the production.
“It’s time to harvest after putting in all that hard work,” Smadu expressed.
We concluded our discussion by exploring the influence of the show “Family Law” on Zach’s professional development and personal journey. “It’s an ongoing and constantly evolving process,” Smadu stated. Zach dedicates his time to what he loves, from filming to his off-season activities, which involve connecting with those he considers family. His family extends beyond his biological relatives. He spends long days with his castmates, the friends he has made along his journey through life. This next stage in his life, personally and professionally, involves pursuing his passions with his loved ones and exploring new interests and hobbies, such as painting for enjoyment which Zach mentions he hasn’t done since elementary school.
Photography Credit: Richie Lubaton