The Moment for Orlando Pineda
Hollywood is witnessing the rise of a young and gifted actor named Olando Pineda. He is driven to aim high because he comes from Columbia and has his family’s love and support behind him. I had the wonderful chance to talk to Orlando about his first significant part in Griselda on Netflix. In the lead role, he portrays Dixon, a son of Sophia Vigaras’s Griselda.
Pineda remarked, “It was such a shock” when he first received the call confirming his casting. Being an actor, he leaves the suspense in the audition room, thus he was honest enough to admit that he honestly forgot about it. He clarified that it was his roommate who had informed him of the significance of this position for him. Orlando informed his parents of the wonderful news over the phone right away. Orlando went on to say that because he explained his original reaction to them, they had laughed with him.

According to Orlando, the film is “about Griselda’s willpower to accomplish anything for her family.” Orlando can identify to the mother’s devotion and tenacity for her family as well as the complexities inside the family. He revealed that the main topic of this miniseries is “how a mother’s love can be so powerful,” even if it centers on a crime family. He has personally experienced the same strength in his mother’s love and commitment.
Because of my character’s bond with his mother, I was able to feel sympathy for him. Orlando said, “My mother is everything to me, and I would do anything for her.” Orlandol revealed that he could identify with Dixon on a more profound emotional and cerebral level, going beyond his relationship with Griselda. He revealed that, particularly in terms of handling stressors and triggers, Dixon is quite similar to himself when he was 17 and 18.
“I’m all for talking about mental health issues. And I don’t mind at all,” Pineda remarked.

He talked candidly about how his experiences as a child growing up in Columbia were accurately reflected in Dixon. “I didn’t know how to express myself when I was 16 or 18 and now that I’m 18, I wish I had known then how important therapy was.” Orlando shared with me a very personal moment in which he revealed that his father had experienced similar mental health challenges in the past. “I’m still in the process of going to therapy,” declared Danie. My ability to complete it was greatly aided by witnessing my dad attend treatment.
I tend to overshare, and I tell my loved ones and friends how I’m feeling. For all of us, it’s really established a circle of trust that allows us to communicate with one another about how we’re feeling, good or bad,” Pineda remarked.
Orlando’s upbringing and cultural background have greatly influenced his development as an actor and person. Before he was focused on becoming a Hollywood star, he was focused on joining the military so he could follow in his father’s footsteps. But when he discovered the theater club at the age of 17, that all changed. Pineda remarked, “I felt safe in the theater club.” There were no longer any judgmental feelings there; all he could do was express himself through a variety of personas.

Even though he had always yearned for the military, he was unable to get rid of this new craving. After completing his high school education, he decided to relocate to Los Angeles and depart Columbia a year later. His parents’ confidence and encouragement provided him the extra push he needed to take the risk. “I had no knowledge of the industry. My parents informed me that I may return home if things didn’t work out. They have enough faith in me to decide. And I will always be appreciative of their help,” Orlando said.
If you ask Orlando, his success as an emerging actor can be attributed to his Colombian heritage. “My heritage is Colombian. I play jokes and get a little too excited. But it is ingrained in our culture. Orlando said, “It’s about letting people in like they’re family.” He revealed that one of his responsibilities as an actor is to always make his co-stars feel at home on screen. He explained that this is how he establishes ties with them.

Orlando said, “I think the one main thing you have to do as an actor is make the other actors feel comfortable.” As you can see, he has a strong sense of self, family, charm, and determination, all of which are helping him to succeed in this competitive field.
Photography Credit: Amanda Ramón – @aramonphotography